Academic Information

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ACE Curriculum

As the main academic program, Cornerstone utilizes ACE(Accelerated Christian Education) curriculum, which is a U.S. Christian curriculum used at SOT(School of Tomorrow). Over the past 40 years, SOT schools have steadily increased in size with over 8,000 schools spread worldwide housing over 1 million students. There are around 40 SOT schools throughout Indonesia besides Cornerstone Global Academy. Unlike conventional classrooms in which a teacher gives lessons to a group of students, the SOT program pursues “individualized, self-paced” learning. The students work through the 1-12 SOT textbooks designed for the students to lead their own studies with their own pace. Rather than writing down what the teacher says and taking tests on designated time periods, the students set their own study goals and individually ask for the teacher’s help when they are stuck in their studies, receiving 1-on-1 guidance in learning.

Indonesian National Curriculum

Indonesian national curriculum developed by Indonesian Ministry of
Culture and Education is called K-13. K-13 is designed
comprehensively for students to be able to get the whole picture as
one not separately and emphasizes the learning process so that students can develop the cognitive and practical knowledge. The
subjects include PAK and Budi Pekerti (Christian Religion & Behavior),
Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language), Pendidikan
Kewarganegaran dan Pancasila (Civics), IPA (Science), IPS (Social
Studies), Matematika Indonesia (Indonesian Mathematics), Seni
Budaya dan Prakarya (Culture&Art), Pendidikan Jasmani dan
Olahraga (Physical Education) and Muatan Lokal (Local Language
& Culture).


Indonesian Religious Curriculum

Religious Curriculum was developed by the Indonesian Ministry of
Religion. It emphasizes religious education like Christian values,
Christian worldview and Christ-like characters. The subjects include
Pengetahuan Alkitab (Bible Knowledge), Pendidikan Karakter Kristen
(Christian Character), Sejarah Gereja (Church History), Etika Kristen
(Christian Ethics).